Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Mental Disorders are conditions that affect your thinking, fellings, or even your behavior. Such features may be persistent or occur as a single episode. Here I am going to write about, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or (OCD).  

This mental disorder is an anxiety one, therefore is characterized by being associated to feelings of fear and distress. It is a chronic and a long- lasting disorder in which the person has reoccurring unwanted thoughts, or ideas, that make him feels the urge to repeat over and over.

The thoughts that a person may have, produce that the person make certain rituals or compulsive actions to reduce the anxiety and feling better.

There is not a exact cause to know how this disorder is produced, but normally the factors that may influence, are head injuries, infections and abnormal functions in certain areas of the brain.

Sometimes your genes are responsable for them. Parents and Teachers often recognize symptoms of OCD in childs. And most of the people receive a diagnosis at 19 or 20, but there are people with OCD that don´t have symptoms until 30.

A Person could live his entire life with this disfunction without feeling any problem, but there cases when the quality of life starts to diminish. One of the most common effects may be the social isolation making that the person leave his job and relationships.

This disorder can be treated with especial therapy to understand how the disorder was produced.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Post Graduate Studies

It´s true, We live in times of change and progress, and is important to take into account that our studies are subject too. Of course, everything i want right now is to ending my career, without problems and being excellent in what i chose to become a good chemist. It is challenge, a difficult one, but i want to take the risks.

After finishing my career, i am considering to  make a post- graduate courses, I have many reasons to take a post-grade course, one of them, is that this postgraduate will bring me to my dream job, which is becoming a Forensic Scientist. I would like to study subjects like Criminalistics, Ballistics, Psycohological Behaviour, Chemical Methods, and a lot of things like that.

The bad thigs is that the Ph D i want to take is not here in this country. So i´m planning to find that Ph D in any university abroad. Maybe United States Canada, Mexico, or even in a country of Europe, like Germany.

I woudn´t like to study by internet or distance learning. I believe that it´s important to have a good learning, that means a presential course. In courses like this you can make friends, and of course, ask to the teacher questions you may have, and in this kind of Ph D, it is likely that one can perform experiments in a lab and if you make a online course, you don´t make any of those things.
Is a long way to go, but i hope to achieve what i want.