Thursday, August 16, 2018

English Language Challenges

We live in times in which our English level depends a lot. “English opens doors”, as they say, but it is true. Now for any job your level of English is very important. Globalization has allowed a cultural exchange, and not just business. And it is our priority adapt us to the change. For the profession that I want, it is important to know English, even more if one has plans in another country, like me. Being scientists, we should be happy of make research abroad. Also, we will have to live with others, and English it is considered on of the most important languages in the world.

Learning English at the university was a surprise, I thought that you should take the course if you wanted, not that is obligation to take the curse. But anyway, it is okay, I enjoyed our classes.

I think that introducing English into blogs, it´s a dynamic way to practice English, although it is a different way of teaching, I find it quite entertaining, however their ways times in which the blog´s theme way boring. Anyway, blogs allowed me to get to know more

of my classmates, their pastimes and their way of thinking.

Maybe we can improve English thought include new teachings, I think we still using the old ways to teach and that makes that not everyone learns, we have different ways of learn and sometimes it is necessary get to consider that, to make achieve a good learning.

Well, we use English every day, English it not only present in a class, it´s in every moment. In our social networks, our song, movies, everything. So, we use English for all.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Changes to My Study Programme

Its a very difficult theme to writte aboaut, because right now i am in the firt year of my carrer and well, how i can discuss all the study programme that the academic have done. In fact the study programme of my carrer (Chemistry) was modificated just two years ago! That is such a short period time. I don´t know the different between the old study programme and the new one. I´ve heard students of anothers years and they say that the new programme is a bit more easy tan the last one. That now there are certain courses that are very different to how they have it, that changes even the name of the course.

I really don´t know enought about what i would change, maybe this question should be asked to the students that are in their fourth, fifth or sixth year. Or maybe to those who have already graduate, they can do more than me.

But, as i have to writte something about changes to my programme, I am going to writte a few things. Well, i think that instead of having too much Maths and courses that doesn´t serve at all like “Introduction to Chemestry Profession”; I known that with that name sounds like a very important course. But actually we don´t do nothing more that attending to lectures. And it is too boring, in fact we have five hours of this course and it is horrible to support all the lectures without fall asleep. In adittion, some lectures are from chemistry professionals and the speechs that they gave are very interesting, but we don´t understand all.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

In my Opinion....

What´s your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?

In my opinion, i think that every women should have the option to choose what is best for her. I know that there is many people who think, that womens are not responsible. That they should think of their actions, before get pregnant. But, why another person can decide for me? It´s my body. They are not going to take care of the baby and neither care about his expenses, so, just let that every women takes her own choose.

 What´s your opinion about having a exotic pet at home?

Well, of course that there are a lot of exotic animals that are impressives and beautiful. But, it´s terrible the idea of taking out an animal of its hábitat only on a whim. The need for superiority, using the money to buy life. Animals are born to be free, and the human steals that.

What´s your opinion about women in the military?

In my opinion, women have the same option as a men to joint the military, we are able to many things, and being in the military is not different at all. All this years the rank of a women is very limited. Actually in the Marine a woman can´t not choose the position of soldier troop, that is injustice. We must change the way how we see a woman.

What´s your opinion about Inmigration?

Inmigration is a very current topic now in our country, and all around the world. Every contry has its policies on inmigration. But here in Chile, i think that inmigration it´s out of control. Now it´s impossible go out without seeing an outlander moving around. Chile now is full of Haitians, Peruvians, Bolivians and Colombians. And i´m not discriminating, but we need to take majors.