Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Changes to My Study Programme

Its a very difficult theme to writte aboaut, because right now i am in the firt year of my carrer and well, how i can discuss all the study programme that the academic have done. In fact the study programme of my carrer (Chemistry) was modificated just two years ago! That is such a short period time. I don´t know the different between the old study programme and the new one. I´ve heard students of anothers years and they say that the new programme is a bit more easy tan the last one. That now there are certain courses that are very different to how they have it, that changes even the name of the course.

I really don´t know enought about what i would change, maybe this question should be asked to the students that are in their fourth, fifth or sixth year. Or maybe to those who have already graduate, they can do more than me.

But, as i have to writte something about changes to my programme, I am going to writte a few things. Well, i think that instead of having too much Maths and courses that doesn´t serve at all like “Introduction to Chemestry Profession”; I known that with that name sounds like a very important course. But actually we don´t do nothing more that attending to lectures. And it is too boring, in fact we have five hours of this course and it is horrible to support all the lectures without fall asleep. In adittion, some lectures are from chemistry professionals and the speechs that they gave are very interesting, but we don´t understand all.