Thursday, August 16, 2018

English Language Challenges

We live in times in which our English level depends a lot. “English opens doors”, as they say, but it is true. Now for any job your level of English is very important. Globalization has allowed a cultural exchange, and not just business. And it is our priority adapt us to the change. For the profession that I want, it is important to know English, even more if one has plans in another country, like me. Being scientists, we should be happy of make research abroad. Also, we will have to live with others, and English it is considered on of the most important languages in the world.

Learning English at the university was a surprise, I thought that you should take the course if you wanted, not that is obligation to take the curse. But anyway, it is okay, I enjoyed our classes.

I think that introducing English into blogs, it´s a dynamic way to practice English, although it is a different way of teaching, I find it quite entertaining, however their ways times in which the blog´s theme way boring. Anyway, blogs allowed me to get to know more

of my classmates, their pastimes and their way of thinking.

Maybe we can improve English thought include new teachings, I think we still using the old ways to teach and that makes that not everyone learns, we have different ways of learn and sometimes it is necessary get to consider that, to make achieve a good learning.

Well, we use English every day, English it not only present in a class, it´s in every moment. In our social networks, our song, movies, everything. So, we use English for all.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I was hoping for more interestings topics to write on our blogs too :(
